Monday, March 10, 2025


The Uniontown Amateur Radio Club is a group of Amateur Radio enthusiasts from around Fayette County, Pennsylvania. Most activities center around the club house, located at 433 Old Pittsburgh Road on the west side of Uniontown.

The club meets twice monthly on the first and third Wednesday of each month at 7:30 pm.  Radio operating contests and other events are also held on the club grounds including the annual fall “Gabfest.

Hams can join our weekly NET Thursday evening’s at 9 PM EST (02:00 Z ) held on the W3PIE Repeater @ 147.045 with a + offset and  PL Tone of 131.8.

Click here for UARC membership application download

We are also on Facebook  @ W3PIE

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W3PIE Calendar of Events

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92 Years on the Air !!!

last update 1/13/25