Join us for our 74th Annual Gabfest held on Saturday August, 10, 2024!
Please join us for our 74th Annual Gabfest! (Click here for flyer). It will start at 8 AM for general admission and 7 AM for Vendor Spaces. More information can be obtained by emailing officers@w3pie.org.
The GABFEST will be held at the Radio Club Grounds located on Old Pittsburgh Road just off Northgate Highway/RT 43 Mon Fayette Expressway— near RT 51 and US RT 119 in Uniontown, PA.
Talk in will be provided on 147.045 + (Full Time PL 131.8) Just call for W3PIE Gabfest Talk-In.
This talk-in is provided for directions and Gabfest information. No check in is needed if you know how to get here!
As always, free parking is available! Refreshments available! Free Swap-N-Shop Set-up with registration! Check our web site prior to the event for Updates.
The Uniontown Amateur Radio Club is a group of Amateur Radio enthusiasts from around Fayette County, Pennsylvania. It has existed as a club for over 90 years. Most activities center around the club house, located at 433 Old Pittsburgh Road on the west side of Uniontown. The club meets twice monthly, on the first and third Wednesday of each month at 7:30 pm. Radio operating contests and other events are also held here, including the annual “Gabfest” every fall.
Use the navigation buttons at the top of the page to explore our web site.
Comments and questions about our club or this web site are always welcome.
Weekly NET is held on Repeater 147.045 with a plus off set and PLTone of 131.8. Please join us every Thursday evening at 9 PM EST.
For the latest W3PIE Events and news, click HERE
You may also visit our W3PIE Facebook Page
Plan Ahead!
W3PIE has scheduled its 2023 gabfest for August 12, 2023!
More details to f come!
90 Years !!!!
Please join us in celebrating 90 Years of serving the Fayette County Region. We will be conducting a special events station during national PIE day! March 14 @ 7PM. We will using W3PIE/90 for our all sign and will post freqs that night and also broadcast them on the 147.045 repeater.