Wednesday, February 12, 2025


Interesting facts about Uniontown Amateur Radio Club, W3PIE

Did you know our organization was started on February 20, 1933? We have had a few different names over the years. We started in 1933 as the Fayette County Radio Club. For many years our members met at various members houses, the YMCA, the County Courthouse and eventually rented a room to hold meetings. Around 1938 our organization changed names and we became the Fort Necessity Amateur Radio Association.

 In 1947, our organization bought the property that is still the location of our radio club. In 1949, our club house was constructed. In 1953 there was enough confusion with our organizations name and Fort Necessity National Battlefield, that we were asked by the Park Service to change our name. In May of 1953, our organization formed a corporation and was established as the Uniontown Amateur Radio Club, INC.

2019 will mark the 69th year that we have been holding a Gabfest. This is an event that has happened on our club grounds since 1949.

A little bit about our Repeaters

Uniontown Amateur Radio Club owns and operates 3 repeaters, and sponsors a 4th.

– The 147.045 repeater is a dual mode DMR (Non-Networked)/Analog Repeater. Analog access is 147.045RX/147.645TX PL/CTCSS Tone of 131.8 on TX and RX Digital access is Color Code 9 using either Time Slot 1 or 2. Talkgroup 1 is the primary TG in use. Although you can feel free to use any TG that you wish. This repeater is located on the Summit Mountain and currently operates at a power output of 30 Watts. This repeater has battery backup for emergency use. We cover a large area from this location.

– The 147.255 repeater is a dual mode Fusion/Analog repeater.
Analog access is 147.255RX/147.855TX PL/CTCSS Tone of 131.8 on TX and RX. Digital access is Yaesu Fusion and we have no restrictions set up. This repeater is located at the Uniontown Amateur Radio Club-Club house

– The 443.750 repeater is a dual mode Fusion/Analog repeater
Analog access is 443.750RX/448.750TX PL/CTCSS Tone of 131.8 on TX and RX Digital access is Yaesu Fusion and we have no restrictions set up. This repeater is operating at approximately 150 watts power output and is located on the Summit Mountain and covers a wide area. Additionally, this repeater is hosting the Keystone-Wide Wires-X room and has several other repeaters tied to the Keystone-Wide room to create a wide area digital network.

– The 145.170 repeater is analog only and is owned by John Rudik, WB3JNP but affiliated with W3PIE. 145.170RX/144.570TX PL/CTCSS Tone of 131.8 on TX and RX Repeater is located at the top of the mountain outside of Connellsville and has wide area coverage. This repeater is located on a tower in conjunction with Fayette County 911 and has emergency generator backup.

Some additional tidbits of information

– UARC has an HF SDR receiver on the Summit mountain at a location that provides us internet access and allows us to place up an HF multiband antenna. This receiver can be accessed via:

– Additionally- we operate a weather station at the radio club that is accessible via the
internet. Our WX Station can be viewed at:

– As we are a radio club- we felt that using wires to access our internet was a little “un ham”.
We found a business willing to provide free internet access to our organization. We use
point to point wireless bridges and access our internet from 5 miles away.


Our organization participates in RACES, ARES, County and State Auxiliary Communications Services. We are an ARRL affiliated club, and are an ARRL Special Service Club.

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